kedd, október 21, 2008


Pronunciation: \in-ˈkō-ət, ˈin-kə-ˌwāt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin inchoatus, past participle of inchoare to start work on, perhaps from in- + cohum part of a yoke to which the beam of a plow is fitted
Date: 1534

1. an initial or early stage; recently or just begun; incipient; beginning; partially but not fully in existence or operation 2. imperfectly formed or developed; existing in its elements; incomplete 3. [law] not yet made complete, certain, or specific 4. [law] not yet transformed into actual use or possession 5. [law] of or relating to a crime (as attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy) which consists of acts that are preliminary to another crime and that are in themselves criminal - verb - [obsolete] to begin [law] not yet made complete, certain, or specific

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